Friday, April 29, 2005
Hitchhiker Thumbs Up
As I sat down in my cinema seat i was almost as nervous as Tony Blair on question time. Twenty years I had waited for The Hitchhiker's guide to hit the cinema. Did it live up to it's expectations? Well yes it did actually. It was all there, from the dolphins to the Vogons albeit not quite as witty as the tv series but still worth shelling out money to see.Stephen Fry was a worthy successor as the narrator. Mos Def was ok as Ford Prefect albeit a little out of it.In fact a few of the cast seemed like they were on drugs.Lots of explosions and a love theme for the Americans. Minor niggle though: Marvin really should have had his original voice. Alan Rickman is more camp than depressive;although it was good to see the original Marvin in a short scene in the film, watch out for it.All in all a great movie. Go see it!